Saturday, May 22, 2010

2-player tictactoe program in Turbo C?

I already asked this question before and someone already linked me to a sample program (;... but it is only a 1-player game (vs. computer). I already told my professor that I've downloaded the program and he told me to just revise it. I tried to study and revise it but I really can't understand it. My knowledge and experience is insufficient and the deadline of submission is 2 days from now. I've been reading books but it seems that I don't have much time... please help... thanx in advance!

2-player tictactoe program in Turbo C?
If you've only got two days, I suggest you get cracking - it sounds like you don't know much about coding and have a lot to learn in 48 hours!

Reply:U should contact or go to or search books related to how to c programming specially Robert la fore book can help you.


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