Sunday, August 2, 2009

How do i install turbo c++ ????? someone plz help!!!!!?

firstly.....if U can buy a CD ...get one.....another way is.....if any of ur friend has a Turbo C installed in her/his computer.....U just hav to copy the whole folder(TC folder) and then paste it in Ur C drive will run perfectly.....U wont even have to can be done thru copy paste.....

How do i install turbo c++ ????? someone plz help!!!!!?
ask your friends for setup, i am sure some of them might be having. once you get the setup you just have to run it.for downloading borland c++u may go to:
Reply:step1: select the setup.exe

step2: then set path for the header files and library files

step3:then run the applciations
Reply:urbo C is an old compiler for Windows platforms, but it should work fine for the purposes of our class.

These are instructions for downloading and installing v2.01 of the Borland Turbo C compiler on Windows 95/98; it should also work on Windows NT and Windows 2000.

These instructions seem involved but the are fairly simple, if you follow them exactly.

1. Click here to download the zipped Free Turbo C Compiler.

2. Go to where you downloaded the file, and double click on the self-extracting file (turboC.exe) in Windows to extract it. This will bring up a WinZip Self-Extractor window (you do NOT need WinZip installed on your machine).

By default, this will extract the files to C:\tctemp directory. You may designate a different location.

Hit return to extract the files.

3. Exit the WinZip Self-Extractor window (by hitting return twice).

4. Once the files have been extracted, go to the directory c:\tctemp (or wherever you put the unzipped files), and double click on the file called install (it may be called install.exe).

5. This will step you through the installation.

* Hit enter to start the installation

* Select the drive where the unzipped file are. The default is "A", so you should enter "C".

Then hit return.

* Hit return, again. This installs from the directory, \tctemp.

* Hit return, again. This says to Install Turbo C on a Hard Drive.

* Use the Up/Down arrow keys (hit the up arrow once) to select Start Installation, and then hit return, again.

* At this point, the v2.01 Turbo C compiler is installed in C:\TC. That is where the tcc.exe executable is.

6. That's everything, but you must add C:\TC to your executable search path. The easiest way to do this:

* Bring up an MS-DOS window.

* Position the cursor on the title bar of the MS-DOS window and right-click.

* This pops up a menu. Click on Properties.

* At the top of the window, click on the Program folder.

* In the middle field, labeled Batch file:, enter the following:


(This assumes that you unzipped the files into C:\tctemp.)

* Click OK at the bottom of the window.

* Close the MS-DOS window

7. Now you're done! Try it out by creating a small C program and compiling it.

* Bring up the MS-DOS window in the same way as you did above. (NOTE: You must close the first MS-DOS window.)

* Type tcc and hit return. You should see a usage message. describing all the many compiler options.

* Now create, compile, and run the Hello World! program.

Refer this site:
Reply:plz run the setup.exe from the package that u have.

it is very easy .
Reply:run setup if available or paste the folder in programs in the drive with system info

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